
What They Don't Tell You About Making Money Online

Making money online in 2023


In the pursuit of making money online, quick riches may remain elusive, but the path to earning a substantial income is within reach. Having personally navigated this digital terrain for the past nine years, I can attest to the viability of earning decent money online.

Let's forego the recitation of my online achievements; instead, let's delve into practical insights to help you escape the rat race.

It's All About Mindset:

Despite its cliché nature, the truth remains: mindset is everything when it comes to making money online. If you approach online earning with skepticism or dismiss it as a pyramid scheme, your chances of success diminish. I learned this firsthand in 2011 when I hesitated due to misconceptions about the complexity and expertise required.

The revelation came in 2014 when I encountered an ordinary individual, much like myself, making a significant income online. Witnessing the simplicity of his revenue streams, such as selling eBooks and leveraging affiliate links, shattered my preconceived notions.

Data-Driven Decisions:

In the absence of a one-size-fits-all formula for online success, the key is experimentation and data analysis. Unlike traditional career paths, where a college major and a random job may suffice, the online game requires continuous experimentation over an extended period. Analyzing the resulting data guides you toward the most promising avenues.

The Social Media Imperative:

Love it or hate it, social media is an indispensable component of successful online ventures. In today's interconnected world, avoiding social media means remaining invisible. Building an audience on these platforms is synonymous with building a customer base, essential for generating income online.

The Hustle Culture Reality:

Hard work is an undeniable aspect of online success, despite the prevalent disdain for hustle culture. While the idea of putting in long hours may be unappealing, it remains a fundamental truth. Stories of individuals achieving seven-figure incomes online consistently involve a significant time investment.

Resourcefulness Matters:

Resourcefulness is a common trait among those who thrive online. Rather than dwelling on problems, successful individuals find solutions. Whether leveraging past skills, online connections, or simply being proactive, resourcefulness sets apart those who succeed from those who merely complain.

The Group Dynamic:

Collaboration is a powerful catalyst for success in the online realm. Mr. Beast's rise to unparalleled success underscores the effectiveness of a group approach. Forming a collective of individuals with similar goals accelerates the learning curve and adds an element of camaraderie.

Earning cash with online work

The Art of Copywriting:

Copywriting, the skill of using words to persuade, is an often-overlooked aspect of online success. Effectively communicating your value proposition is essential for attracting subscribers and building a community around your offerings.

Focus on Your Target Audience:

Rather than attempting to monetize everyone, concentrate on the segment of your audience willing to pay for your products or services. Quality over quantity ensures a sustainable income stream and a more focused, engaged customer base.

Habits to Avoid:

While discussing how to make money online, it's equally crucial to identify counterproductive habits. Asking for advice without action, reluctance to spend money on necessary resources, and seeking unpaid mentors are pitfalls that hinder progress.


The online business models that lead to substantial income may seem straightforward and obvious. The key to unlocking these opportunities lies in cultivating the right mindset. Rather than constantly searching for new ways to make money, focus on reshaping your perspective and embracing the timeless principles of online success.

- Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash
- Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

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